BREITBART.COM - Scholars, Clergy Slam Jesus Documentary
Just one year ago today, HBO began its Entourage mega season (which it absolutely was) hype, and between every feature or film, you (we) were getting fixated on the Premiere of Aquaman, Directed by James Cameron and starring Vincent Chase opposite Mandy Moore. In an amazing twist of events, James Cameron has this week nominated himself for Anti-Christ and more intriguingly may have uncovered the secrets of the most miraculous of all men, Jesus of Nazareth.
Frankly, I would like to think that Cameron is wrong, as I always pictured a far greater man or woman presenting the truths (i suppose arguably) before the faithful about 200 years from now, when everyone still alive is in Chicago living the good life on the great lakes with Daley XXIII continuing on the Royal order founded by his ancestors. But if this is truly the first day of the beginning of the end for traditional religion, then so be it.
The possibility that everything Christians have held so dear for nearly two thousand years is, for me, both distressing and exciting. On the one hand, the possible ramifications of such a development could turn the world upside down unlike anything since the 17th century English revolution. On the other hand, the myopic world-view of uber-religious Christians around the country and world may finally be awaken to the realities of life in the 21st century, where information and connectivity rule over the will of God.
The problem with you and people like you is that you don't look at the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that no one (including you) would dare insult Islam or the Jewish religion. The reaosn you are okay with slamming Christianity is because you know you won't die for it, like so many have when they have questioned religions like Islam. If the issue was anything other than Christianity it would long ago have gone away becasue of how silly and untruthful it has been proven to be, but similar to The Da Vinci Code, the idea of bashing Christianity is appealing even if only a little to someone like you. And that is patheitc.
It all makes sense, though. If you really sit down and ponder it...only the Anti-Christ could have turned "Titanic" into a Blockbuster.
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