I recently received an anonymous comment directing me to a new social bookmarking site that is dedicated to promoting stories and ideas that are favorable to the right-minded reader (pun intended). For the last year or so, the Web 2.0 sphere has been dominated by the communists, and it is high time the more intelligent and responsible aspects of American political discourse take back the internet from the likes of Reddit and Digg, who overtly censor the information submitted to reflect their Democratic biases.
They certainly cannot suppress us any longer, or complain because of a supposed "lack of balance". What is really hilarious to me is the fact that so many liberal bloggers have used these self-censored forums to blast Fox News and Rupert Murdock for their supposed lack of balance. GOPHub.com offers the first Web 2.0 site that is completely dedicated to furthering the cause of conservatives and I am excited to see it grow and mature as more conservatives come to understand how to utilize it to reach new readers and proliferate intelligence. I encourage everyone who cares about keeping the GOP in control in 2008 to submit stories and contribute to the fight of the right to take back the internet!
They certainly cannot suppress us any longer, or complain because of a supposed "lack of balance". What is really hilarious to me is the fact that so many liberal bloggers have used these self-censored forums to blast Fox News and Rupert Murdock for their supposed lack of balance. GOPHub.com offers the first Web 2.0 site that is completely dedicated to furthering the cause of conservatives and I am excited to see it grow and mature as more conservatives come to understand how to utilize it to reach new readers and proliferate intelligence. I encourage everyone who cares about keeping the GOP in control in 2008 to submit stories and contribute to the fight of the right to take back the internet!
It's a start. Hopefully it will catch on. The right blogosphere is caught in a limited business model driven by a few big-name bloggers + talk-radio. Here's hoping that GOPhub does well.
My thoughts on web 2.0 and the Right are
regards, Nuke
I like the idea of alternatives to Digg. I emailed Republican leadership two years ago to give a warning about internet groups recruting the future voting bloc of younger people. I'm sure my concerns were echoed by hundreds of other people, screaming "pay attention, you technological dinosaurs".
I think labeling the site by a political party will reduce the number of potential members posting articles. If your site is for conservatives;people will get the point. Younger voters will find the party labeling of a site too old-fashioned and without the James Dean quality
Everyone knows dkos, MyDD etc back the Democrat party and that digg is the hangout for progressives that back democrats, but also provides a home for the RonPaulettes. Notice, however, that these sites avoided labeling themselves by an actual party name. That allows them to pretend or fantasize about their "fairness" and also proclaim the attractive brand(to the under-30crowd) of independance or maverik. It's the James Dean thing--the free rebel idea that younger voters love.
It also protects dkos from accusations of any offical party attachments(even if its true) and future fundraising investigations.
At any rate, they need to can the gop in the name and come up with something more cool sounding.
MyRR? Rkos?
Nawh.. :) but you get the point. Unfortunately, we live in the age of advertising and labels are a critical first step.
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