One of the most popular criticisms leveled against the Saudi Arabian kingdom and its domestic laws is that women are not permitted the right to drive themselves. Now, I have never heard of a single Saudi woman complain about these restrictions, and I have often heard that because they all have chauffeurs we shouldn't feel too bad for them. However, it had never occurred to me that there is a very practical reason why the Saudi, or any other Middle Eastern government would not want women behind the wheel.
My friend sent me the photo on the right in an e-mail joke under the crude heading of, "A pointless family photo". The same friend also called me recently after nearly getting run off the road by a woman in full traditional Muslim garb to ask if there is anything he could do to get a law passed that would prevent people who wear obviously visually obstructive cloths from driving. My initial reaction was that there was no way, nor reasonable justification, to propose seriously such a measure, but when I received this photo I began to rethink this assumption.
I really think this there is a possible justification for not permitting women to drive when they are dressed in the way the women in the photo are, and maybe the roads in Saudi Arabia are safer than those in the United States because of these practical measures. I have never heard of a serious accident caused because of negligent or reckless driving by a woman whose vision was impeded by her head scarf. However, I think it is important not to dismiss the Saudi policies as offensive or oppressive because they deny the right of an adult woman to drive. In fact, the Saudi's may be acting responsibly and in the interests of those women.
Statistically men are far more likely to cause car accidents, particularily young men. So then, it would be far more sensible to ban men from the roads, not women.
I do not understand your point, at least as it relates to what I was trying to say regarding the visual impairment caused by the traditional female Muslim garment. It is likely true that men are more likely to cause an accident, but I do not think that can be attributed to any foreign impediments restricting their peripheral vision. If it was Judeo-Christian tradition for men to wear blinders while driving, then it would make absolute sense to disallow them from driving privileges.
Yeah - They make them wear a sheet over their heads -
Then tell them they can't drive cos they have a sheet on their heads -
And that sounds reasonable to you does it?
I did not tell anyone to wear anything on their head, so yes, it seems very reasonable to me that we would not extend someone who chooses to wear a sheet on their head the same rights as someone who doesn't.
To be clear, I am speaking about Muslims here in America. I am well aware that women in Saudi Arabia do not have a choice as to whether or not they can wear the sheet, but here they do, so that choice makes them subject to scrutiny beyond what would be typical.
AS a matter of fact guy, NO MAN in saudi forces his wife to wear a NIQAB VEIL (not a bloomin sheet) it is up to the woman to decided if she would like to cover herself. If a man forces his wife to cover herself, then he is, what we westerners would see a domesticly violant man to be. However the muslim religion instructs woman AND MEN to dress modest, Why? to prevent the sinfull thoughts of other people looking at a precious female. Woman are cherished in Islam so this modesty law was put forward to protect them. Cummon guys, im sure you would love it if no other man can enjoy your wifes beauty or go home and wank after her? Urrgghh.
And stop calling it a sheet its a Niqab. Respect other peoples religon beliefs and laws please coz when judgment day comes you will be dragged (on your face by the way) into hell. Youve been warned. take care
Oh and as for the driving laws, why dont you turn your attention to india where they throw babies 50 f***ing feet of a building for good luck? dont believe me? watch the video on msn videos
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