Ralph Nadar announced today on Meet The Press that he has decided to enter the 2008 race for the White House. Word of Nadar's consideration of another campaign only surfaced in the last few days, at least in the mainstream news or on Drudge Report. Exactly what impact he will have on the campaign is unclear, but this makes the hill Obama needs to climb to get to Pennsylvania Avenue perhaps to large for even the biggest of personalities (however empty and without substance it may be).
As a student of politics and a passionate believer in globalization, I have become increasingly frustrated by the sense that we, the next generation of world leaders, have been completely marginalized by selfish and unimaginative lawmakers in capitols around the world. It is my hope that this blog can serve as a forum for young, ambitious and articulate men and women who get it. What kind of world do you want to inherit?
Huckabee does SNL, via Hulu...
It was an exciting experience to be a beta tester for Hulu, particularly in the final days prior to launch tomorrow.
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
Republican Party,
Road to the White House,
Google chosen as official innovation provider for GOP Convention...

Google has formed an unusually high-profile political partnership with the Republican National Convention as the official "innovation provider", powering the Minneapolis-St. Paul-hosted event's website using Google Apps, Google Maps, YouTube and several other interactive features. The convention will be held Sept. 1-4, and is expected to draw at least 45,000 conservative activists and create an estimated $150-$160 million dollars in economic stimulus. Glad to see that the RNC is finally pulling its head out of its nether-region when it comes to using the best technologies the internet offers political groups.
I have applied for credentials to cover the convention as a new media correspondent, but no word yet from the party insiders if my application made the cut. I did get an e-mail from the party about 45 minutes before the press release this morning of the Google news, so perhaps I will be getting news soon...
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